Following the sudden changes to Tootsuki Culinary Academy's administration, Erina Nakiri runs away from home to escape the torment of her oppressive father. Taking refuge at Polar Star Dormitory, the chaotic environment she ends up in is a far cry from her usual refined lifestyle. However, with the help of her friends, Erina gradually finds her place among the dormitory's eccentric residents—creating memorable experiences outside the world of cooking along the way. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
Following the sudden changes to Tootsuki Culinary Academy's administration, Erina Nakiri runs away from home to escape the torment of her oppressive father. Taking refuge at Polar Star Dormitory, the chaotic environment she ends up in is a far cry from her usual refined lifestyle. However, with the help of her friends, Erina gradually finds her place among the dormitory's eccentric residents—creating memorable experiences outside the world of cooking along the way. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
食戟之靈 第三季 餐之皿
TV · 已完結
Original Character Design
Original Creator