

The story of the mecha anime revolves around 13-year-old Meguru Tokio, who is suddenly approached by a strange woman who is running away from something. She finds out that the girl's name is also Meguru, and although she appears to be around 17 or 18 years old, she has a passionate personality, which the younger Meguru has trouble dealing with. Meguru Tokio gets drawn into the older Meguru's fight with a mysterious organization, and gets targeted by the organization as well. The one targeting them from the organization was the narcissist, Rei. Although the younger Meguru can't believe that the older one came from the future, she fights alongside her in a dimensional robot. After fighting with Rei, she finds out that even though the other Meguru is older than her, she is Meguru Tokio's descendant. After finding out that someone has jumped into the past by the older Meguru's history surveillance device, the two also make a leap back into the past. (Source: ANN)

Matsumoto, Kentaro
Matsumoto, Kentaro

Key Animation

Sugahara, Shizutaka
Sugahara, Shizutaka

Episode Director

Ozawa, Juukou
Ozawa, Juukou


Takadera, Takeshi
Takadera, Takeshi

Sound Director

Kadonosono, Megumi
Kadonosono, Megumi

Key Animation

Sueoka, Masami
Sueoka, Masami

Original Character Design

Ikeda, Yasutaka
Ikeda, Yasutaka


Takakura, Takeshi
Takakura, Takeshi

Mechanical Design

Gotou, Keiji
Gotou, Keiji

Director, Character Design, Animation Director, Key Animation