"Magical Girl"—A profession that undertakes the work of exterminating a kind of natural disaster called "Kaii." Kana Sakuragi, a female college student who struggles with job hunting, is picked up by a magical girl startup company and...?! Magical Girl work-life starts now! (Source: MANGA Plus)
"Magical Girl"—A profession that undertakes the work of exterminating a kind of natural disaster called "Kaii." Kana Sakuragi, a female college student who struggles with job hunting, is picked up by a magical girl startup company and...?! Magical Girl work-life starts now! (Source: MANGA Plus)
Producer (Animation Producer)
Theme Song Arrangement (ED), Theme Song Composition (ED), Theme Song Lyrics (ED), Theme Song Performance (ED)
Theme Song Arrangement (OP), Theme Song Composition (OP), Theme Song Lyrics (OP), Theme Song Performance (OP)
Script, Series Composition
Character Design
Color Design