

He wanted a starter Pok&eacute;mon from Hoenn like Torchic because they were &quot;special&quot;, or a Pikachu like Ash Ketchum, who he seemed to have heard good things about. At the beginning of the episode, he didn&#039;t really understand the point in having Pok&eacute;mon other than for protection. He didn&#039;t want the hassle of raising them and was quite spoiled and selfish, making lots of demands for evolved and rare Pok&eacute;mon like Raichu.<br /> <br /> However, while accompanying Professor Oak and the others during the episode trying to recapture the escaped baby Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle, he begins to learn a lot about the feelings of Pok&eacute;mon and grows to understand them. Gilbert eventually chose the Bulbasaur he&#039;d helped save from a group of Primeape after he was impressed by the strength of Ash&#039;s Bulbasaur at driving them back with a SolarBeam. <br /><br />