Momo Belia Deviluke


Birthday: August 8<br /> Age: 14<br /> Height: 151 cm<br /> Weight: 45 kg<br /> BWH: 80-54-79<br /> <br /> Lala&#039;s younger sister and Nana&#039;s twin; they are introduced when they have most of the characters in a virtual game world created by Lala that they subsequently modify. They claim they did this to determine the nature of their sister&#039;s friends and to test Rito&#039;s affection for Lala. <br /> <br /> Momo has short hair and is generally sweeter than her twin, but develops a bad attitude whenever Nana takes credit for what she does; she shares a connection to plant life. She also has a strong attraction towards Rito (similar to Lala&#039;s), stating how his facial expressions are lovely and even letting him touch her tail. At times, she would even sneak into Rito&#039;s bed at night and stating how jealous she was of Lala that Rito&#039;s hand was stuck to her tail. Momo and her twin are currently on Earth, running away from their studies.<br /> <br /> Momo has a special ability which allows her to communicate with various alien plants, which she summons through her phone made by Lala for her and her sister.<br /> <br /> (Source: Wikipedia)<br /><br />