Yukikaze, a student at a ninja training academy, learns new demon-fighting techniques. One day, she and her friend Akiyama Rinko decide to infiltrate an evil organization in hopes of finding Yukikaze's mother; however, to do so, there is a great price they have to pay...
Yukikaze, a student at a ninja training academy, learns new demon-fighting techniques. One day, she and her friend Akiyama Rinko decide to infiltrate an evil organization in hopes of finding Yukikaze's mother; however, to do so, there is a great price they have to pay...
Alternative Setting
OVA · Finished Airing
Alternative Setting
OVA · Finished Airing
Alternative Setting
鋼鉄の魔女 アンネローゼ
OVA · Finished Airing
Side Story
Special · Finished Airing
OVA · Finished Airing
Theme Song Arrangement (OP, ED), Theme Song Composition (OP, ED), Theme Song Lyrics (OP, ED)
Original Character Design
Original Creator