

Animated 2002 short film produced by Studio Ghibli for their near exclusive use in the Ghibli Museum. It features famous director Miyazaki Hayao himself as narrator (in the form of a humanoid pig, reminiscent of Porco from Porco Rosso), telling the story of flight and the many machines imagined to achieve it. Note: The film could also be seen on the in-flight entertainment system used by Japan Airlines. (Source: AniDB)


Animated 2002 short film produced by Studio Ghibli for their near exclusive use in the Ghibli Museum. It features famous director Miyazaki Hayao himself as narrator (in the form of a humanoid pig, reminiscent of Porco from Porco Rosso), telling the story of flight and the many machines imagined to achieve it. Note: The film could also be seen on the in-flight entertainment system used by Japan Airlines. (Source: AniDB)



Takeshige, Youji
Takeshige, Youji

Art Director

Kagawa, Megumi
Kagawa, Megumi

Key Animation

Suzuki, Toshio
Suzuki, Toshio


Yonebayashi, Hiromasa
Yonebayashi, Hiromasa

Animation Director

Miyazaki, Hayao
Miyazaki, Hayao

Director, Script, Original Creator, Screenplay
