The sequel to Cofun Gal no Coffy (TV), it takes place 3 year later via a college campus life comedy about 20-year-old college student Coffy, her boyfriend Nintoku-kun, her childhood friend Daniel, her love rival Dorothy, and Okehazama-sensei, who quit being a teacher and became the chief of the college mart.
The sequel to Cofun Gal no Coffy (TV), it takes place 3 year later via a college campus life comedy about 20-year-old college student Coffy, her boyfriend Nintoku-kun, her childhood friend Daniel, her love rival Dorothy, and Okehazama-sensei, who quit being a teacher and became the chief of the college mart.
TV · Finished Airing
Side Story
「古墳ギャルのコフィー キャンパスライフ」~イントロ~
ONA · Finished Airing
Side Story
古墳ギャルのコフィー キャンパスライフ
Special · Finished Airing
Side Story
古墳ギャルのコフィー ~コフンデレラ~
Movie · Finished Airing