

Based on a shoujo manga written and illustrated by Shinohara Chie serialised in Shoujo Comic. The original story follows the struggles of a teenage girl after she finds herself turning into a lycanthropy-leopard and having to battle her newly found predatory instincts. In 1987 an animated music video of 30 minutes length was made based on the award winning manga. (Source: AniDB)

Shinohara, Chie
Shinohara, Chie

Original Creator

Tsukasa, Tadashi
Tsukasa, Tadashi

Key Animation

Watanabe, Mami
Watanabe, Mami

Series Composition

Waki, Takeshi
Waki, Takeshi

Art Director

Nakayama, Yumi
Nakayama, Yumi

Key Animation

Tobe, Atsuo
Tobe, Atsuo

Key Animation

Kajitani, Mitsuharu
Kajitani, Mitsuharu

Key Animation

Azuhata, Takashi
Azuhata, Takashi

Director of Photography