An animation work based on rituals filmed during fieldwork in Bali, Indonesia. Among the hundreds of ceremonies known as 'Sangyan' in Bali, the motif is 'Sangyan Dudari', which is said to be the most effective for exorcism. Sangyan Dudari is a ritual in which two premenstrual girls are possessed by Dudari (celestial maiden spirit) and danced continuously. (Source: Official Website)
An animation work based on rituals filmed during fieldwork in Bali, Indonesia. Among the hundreds of ceremonies known as 'Sangyan' in Bali, the motif is 'Sangyan Dudari', which is said to be the most effective for exorcism. Sangyan Dudari is a ritual in which two premenstrual girls are possessed by Dudari (celestial maiden spirit) and danced continuously. (Source: Official Website)