

The suspense sci-fi anime takes place in a future where unbeknownst to the people of Earth, there wages an interstellar war spanning the entire universe. Alien arms dealers control our world from behind the scenes, using it as a supersoldier factory where "special kids" with unique abilities are abducted to fight in wars on the other side of the universe. When one "special kid" escapes captivity and journeys back to earth, a seemingly ordinary boy discovers he is a body double for the family all while being drawn unarmed into the heart of a space war. (Source: MAL News)

Okada, Emiko
Okada, Emiko

Color Design

Igawa, Norie
Igawa, Norie

Character Design, Animation Director

Shiino, Ryuusuke
Shiino, Ryuusuke

Art Director

Kodama, Yuuki
Kodama, Yuuki

Original Character Design

Takahata, Mika
Takahata, Mika

Assistant Producer

Suda, Yasuo
Suda, Yasuo

Producer (Animation Producer)

Asari, Ai
Asari, Ai

Key Animation (Main Animation)

Mataga, Daisuke
Mataga, Daisuke

Assistant Director

Ikariya, Atsushi
Ikariya, Atsushi

Director, Storyboard

Wong, Kendrick
Wong, Kendrick

Executive Producer