

Pinball Legend is a cartoon TV show on CCTV Shaoer Channel. It is based on five protagonists named Hai Xiaomei, Duo Jieke, Ouyang Xiaofeng, Lei Huo, and Da Li. They fight a vampire ghost named Earl using "Holy Pinball Fighters." There are 52 episodes, each episode running at 22 minutes long, including the opening theme and the ending theme. (Source: Wikipedia)


Pinball Legend is a cartoon TV show on CCTV Shaoer Channel. It is based on five protagonists named Hai Xiaomei, Duo Jieke, Ouyang Xiaofeng, Lei Huo, and Da Li. They fight a vampire ghost named Earl using "Holy Pinball Fighters." There are 52 episodes, each episode running at 22 minutes long, including the opening theme and the ending theme. (Source: Wikipedia)


