Amidst peaceful everyday life in Broomstown, guarded by the rescue team, tractor 'Tracky', cheerful train 'Trino' with his unique accent, and the transforming mountain rescue team of 'Mark', 'Bucky', and 'Carey' from Treasureville, who are out to catch poaching car 'Poacher', all move to Broomstown and now call it home. (Source: Official Site)
Amidst peaceful everyday life in Broomstown, guarded by the rescue team, tractor 'Tracky', cheerful train 'Trino' with his unique accent, and the transforming mountain rescue team of 'Mark', 'Bucky', and 'Carey' from Treasureville, who are out to catch poaching car 'Poacher', all move to Broomstown and now call it home. (Source: Official Site)
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TV · Finished Airing