Upon returning from school one day, Rin Shima encounters an unfamiliar three-wheeled motorcycle parked outside her house. After asking her father about it, she learns that the vehicle is a temporary loaner while her moped undergoes its annual maintenance. With arrangements to go camping at Yatsugatake the next day, Rin has no choice but to utilize the three-wheeler. As she embarks on her trip, Rin's traveling experience soon shifts gears, and she discovers a refined driving performance on new unexplored roads. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
Upon returning from school one day, Rin Shima encounters an unfamiliar three-wheeled motorcycle parked outside her house. After asking her father about it, she learns that the vehicle is a temporary loaner while her moped undergoes its annual maintenance. With arrangements to go camping at Yatsugatake the next day, Rin has no choice but to utilize the three-wheeler. As she embarks on her trip, Rin's traveling experience soon shifts gears, and she discovers a refined driving performance on new unexplored roads. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
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Original Creator
Animation Director