A mini side-story "Summer Mystery Adventure" series to the Taka no Tsume 8: Yoshida-kun no Batten File film. Though the film was released three years ago, it has a manga counterpart that's still running in CoroCoro Comic whose 2nd tankoubon volume was released recently. As well as scifi supernatural stories being very popular in Japan during the summer season.
A mini side-story "Summer Mystery Adventure" series to the Taka no Tsume 8: Yoshida-kun no Batten File film. Though the film was released three years ago, it has a manga counterpart that's still running in CoroCoro Comic whose 2nd tankoubon volume was released recently. As well as scifi supernatural stories being very popular in Japan during the summer season.
Parent Story
鷹の爪8 吉田くんのX(バッテン)ファイル
Movie · Finished Airing