The anime centers on a Moai statue named Mowai-kun who is gloomy every day because it lives a dull life where it just watches the beach and the sun from atop a hill on an island. But one day Mowai-kun grows arms, and starts to dance. The anime will air within the Oha-Suta program's "Kyara-Suta" corner. (Source: ANN)
The anime centers on a Moai statue named Mowai-kun who is gloomy every day because it lives a dull life where it just watches the beach and the sun from atop a hill on an island. But one day Mowai-kun grows arms, and starts to dance. The anime will air within the Oha-Suta program's "Kyara-Suta" corner. (Source: ANN)
Animation Director
Director, Storyboard, Series Composition
Theme Song Arrangement (ED), Theme Song Composition (ED), Theme Song Lyrics (ED), Theme Song Performance (ED)
Music, Sound Director