An animated music video of Ed Sheeran’s song Supermarket Flowers from his third studio album, "÷(divide)". The video was directed by Yoriko Hoshi, who’s a winner of a prestigious award: Tezuka Osamu Cultural Prize. The video consists of a heartwarming story, featuring Ed Sheeran and his beloved cats, Calippo and Dorito.<br />
An animated music video of Ed Sheeran’s song Supermarket Flowers from his third studio album, "÷(divide)". The video was directed by Yoriko Hoshi, who’s a winner of a prestigious award: Tezuka Osamu Cultural Prize. The video consists of a heartwarming story, featuring Ed Sheeran and his beloved cats, Calippo and Dorito.<br />
Theme Song Performance
Key Animation
Director, Original Creator, Editing, Key Animation