A collaboration between Mameshiba and Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei meant to promote the latter's film release in July 2017. In the first short, Tatsuya is replaced by a Mameshiba Edamame version of his character recreating scenes from the TV anime. A new collaboration product line is being released as well with assorted Mameshiba-ified character goods of Mahouka characters.
A collaboration between Mameshiba and Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei meant to promote the latter's film release in July 2017. In the first short, Tatsuya is replaced by a Mameshiba Edamame version of his character recreating scenes from the TV anime. A new collaboration product line is being released as well with assorted Mameshiba-ified character goods of Mahouka characters.
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Special · Finished Airing
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魔法科高中的劣等生 劇場版 呼喚繁星的少女
Movie · Finished Airing
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