The three-episode anime series is a spinoff of the upcoming film Gokudou Daisensou (Yakuza Apocalypse). The series will stream on GYAO! starting on May 30, and Movie Channel NECO will broadcast the series starting on June 5. As in the film, Denden will play the boss of a bar, but with a snail motif. The actor's stage name, in part, comes from dendenmushi, which means "snail." (Source: ANN)
The three-episode anime series is a spinoff of the upcoming film Gokudou Daisensou (Yakuza Apocalypse). The series will stream on GYAO! starting on May 30, and Movie Channel NECO will broadcast the series starting on June 5. As in the film, Denden will play the boss of a bar, but with a snail motif. The actor's stage name, in part, comes from dendenmushi, which means "snail." (Source: ANN)