LOCUS is a South Korean animation studio based in Gangnam-gu, Seoul. The current company was established in 2009. Its subsidiaries include movie distributor Sidus and virtual influencer agency LOCUS-X. It was acquired by Naver Webtoon around December 2021.<br /> <br /> Notable works: an animated adaptation of the entertainment program SBS' Running Man (2017), an animated fantasy film Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarfs (2019), and an animated part of the television series Yumi's Cells (2021). <br /> <br /> An animated TV series The Soul Guardians (퇴마록, 退魔錄, Toemarok), based on the novel of the same name by author Lee U-Hyeok (이우혁), is due out in 2023, and an animated adaptation of the webtoon Guardians of the Video Game (전자오락수호대, Jeonjaoraksuhodae) is expected in 2024.<br /> <br />