Marin Nijihara
Marin Nijihara
Marin Nijihara


A Catholic witch hunter who thinks that Haruo was sent from heaven and needs protection from witches (especially Ayumi). She works with Ayumi, Yuri, and/or Maika when she feels that they have a common cause. Marin is an incompetent and clumsy fool who injures herself more in her attacks than any of the &quot;evil-witches&quot; that she so adamantly hunts, not to mention the picture of a Christian zealot who endlessly justifies all her hypocrisies with the mantra &quot;It's in the name of the Lord.&quot; It's unclear whether Marin has deeper feelings for Haruo, or if she just admires him for what she calls &quot;keeping away evil witches&quot;. <br /> <br /><br />