



A servant at Weda&#039;s parent&#039;s estate, he has very scary eyes (though this wasn&#039;t always the case, as he was stated to have beautiful eyes when he was younger). Loves Weda, but she thinks of him as a brother. He is often the one who goes to pick up Weda after nights where she had been drinking specifically heavily (revealed to be quite frequent due to Weda&#039;s habits). Often coming up with ideas that seem not to be possible, Har&eacute; is put off by him from their first meeting. <br /> <br /> <br /> from Wikipedia<br /><br />





A servant at Weda&#039;s parent&#039;s estate, he has very scary eyes (though this wasn&#039;t always the case, as he was stated to have beautiful eyes when he was younger). Loves Weda, but she thinks of him as a brother. He is often the one who goes to pick up Weda after nights where she had been drinking specifically heavily (revealed to be quite frequent due to Weda&#039;s habits). Often coming up with ideas that seem not to be possible, Har&eacute; is put off by him from their first meeting. <br /> <br /> <br /> from Wikipedia<br /><br />