An easygoing high school student who adapts easily to new surroundings. As a child, he was sent to boarding school by his parents, and they barely kept in touch with him. He was consequently taken care of by Suoh Kuwata, a law breaker type, and a young woman, Chitose; Suoh died afterwards, but he was a very important person to Tokidoki. Tokidoki's childhood friend is Momiji. He keeps in touch with a policeman involved with Sendai Corp., named Hashita.<br /> <br /> Tokidoki is not good at history, and as a result, goes on a field trip to a virtual reality Edo period. While in this world, he loses the vision in his left eye to the nue and yakou and finds himself trapped in this simulation of the Edo period. Called the "hakutaku" (unwritten page) by some in the virtual Edo, as his fate isn't foretold by Heaven's Net. <br /> <br />