赤黒 血染
赤黒 血染
Chizome Akaguro


All Might&#039;s debut as a Hero deeply inspired Chizome. Since then, Chizome aimed to become a Hero like All Might. Chizome entered a private Hero course high school to train to become a Hero. However, Chizome became hopeless and despaired after seeing the school&#039;s &quot;fundamental decay&quot;; that the students there were becoming Heroes for the money and personal gain. Disillusioned by the reality of Heroics, Chizome dropped out during the summer of his freshman year.<br /> <br /> After dropping out of high school, the teenaged Chizome preached an ideology which he called the &quot;Revival of Heroics&quot; through street oratory speeches and soapbox speeches. However, no one listened to him.<br /> <br /> Over the following decade, Chizome realized that only action will create his ideal world and change Heroics for the better; Chizome researched and disciplined himself in the training of the killing arts through self-study; he did this in order to achieve his duty of &quot;Revival of Heroics&quot;. During this decade, Chizome&#039;s parents died (it is unknown what led to their deaths but it is believed that Chizome was not involved).<br /> <br /> After completing his training in the killing arts, Chizome took up the mantle of Hero Killer Stain and begun advocating the &quot;Revival of Heroics&quot;. In this ideology of &quot;Revival of Heroics&quot;, Chizome (now known as Stain) stated the guidelines of being a Hero; that Heroes must not desire rewards or compensation, people can only have the title of Hero when they commit the ultimate acts of self-sacrifice. The ideology stated that the &quot;Heroes&quot; of the modern world are fakes who pretend to be Heroes.<br /> <br /> Stain then begun implementing his &quot;Revival of Heroics&quot; by killing Pro Heroes, deciding that he would not stop his purge of the Pro Heroes until the world realized the flaw in the Heroics system. Stain&#039;s end goal with implementing his ideology &quot;Revival of Heroics&quot; was to create a just world filled with true Heroes.<br /> <br /> (Source: Boku no Hero Academia Wikia)<br /><br />