A lively and confident Libra member who sports an eye patch. She is very devoted to her two sons, but especially the youngest, Kane.<br /> <br /> Typically cheerful, K.K. cares deeply for her comrades, husband & sons, whom she treasures above all else.<br /> <br /> K.K. seems to have a slight complex about her age and figure, and openly dislikes being around Steven, whom she refers to as 'Scarface'. She shares a much closer relationship to Klaus, whom she describes as a perfect gentleman and the leader of her organization.<br /> <br /> 954 Blood Bullet Art (954 血弾格闘技 / ブラッドブレットアーツ) is her fighting style that uses high-power guns that converts her blood to electricity to electrocute enemies.<br /> <br /> (Source: Blood Blockade Battlefront - Kekkai Sensen Wiki)<br /><br />