Rau Le Creuset


Genetic type: Natural (Clone)<br /> Age: 28 years old<br /> Height: 183 cm<br /> Weight: 63 kg<br /> Mobile suit: ZGMF-515 CGUE, ZGMF-600 GuAIZ, ZGMF-X13A Providence Gundam<br /> <br /> Rau Le Creuset is a ZAFT Commander who commands the Le Creuset Team consisting of elite Coordinators. His birth name is Rau La Flaga, the direct clone of Mu La Flaga&#039;s father, Al Da Flaga, which means he&#039;s a Natural, which is ironic since ZAFT consists of mostly Coordinators (if not all) and Chairman Zala advocates to exterminate all Naturals but Rau&#039;s skill as well as his spatial awareness trait allow him to pass for a Coordinator.<br /> <br /> Despite his allegiance with ZAFT, Rau bears no loyalty to it, or anyone, for that matter. Rau&#039;s true aim is to put an end to humanity and what he sees as a &#039;world of endless desires&#039;. He believes he can accomplish this through the nuclear arsenal of the Earth Forces and GENESIS, ZAFT&#039;s super weapon. Furthermore, he believes he is the person best suited to carry out the judgment and execution of humanity. Rau seemingly does not value human life in the slightest&mdash;not even his own.<br /> <br /> He is extremely skilled at piloting any mobile suit or Gundam of any type and a very good strategist. He makes long term plans for his peacemaking operation throughout a large span of time, and manages to pull them off. <br /> <br /><br />