Tooe Kanbaru


Tooe Kanbaru (Tooe Gaen), was the sister of Izuko Gaen, the wife of Suruga&#039;s Father, and the mother of Suruga Kanbaru.<br /> <br /> Age: Unknown<br /> Hair Color: Brown<br /> Eye Color: Brown<br /> First Appearance: Hanamonogatari<br /> Classification: Human<br /> Occupation: Oddity Specialist<br /> <br /> It was later revealed that Suruga&#039;s parents eloped at some point during Suruga&#039;s elementary school life, as the Kanbaru family did not approve of their relationship.<br /> <br /> She and her husband died together in an accident. By the time of her death, Kanbaru will have received a &quot;monkey&#039;s paw&quot; (the Rainy Devil&#039;s left arm) while Deishuu Kaiki will have been entrusted with the Rainy Devil&#039;s head. Tooe&#039;s possession of these two artifacts imply her strong connection with oddities.<br /> <br /> Catchphrases: If you can&#039;t be medicine, be poison. Otherwise you&#039;re nothing but water.<br /><br />