



A tower witch in the trio of witches call the &quot;star set&quot; who are given the task of capturing Honoka. It isn't known what she's capable of, or what she uses as a tower witch, but it is hinted that she is more of a melee kind of a witch. She dresses in a white lingerie when changing into a witch attire.<br /> <br /> She has a llama, but it is unclear if it serves as her familiar or as her pet.<br /> <br /> (Source: Metanorn)<br /><br />





A tower witch in the trio of witches call the &quot;star set&quot; who are given the task of capturing Honoka. It isn't known what she's capable of, or what she uses as a tower witch, but it is hinted that she is more of a melee kind of a witch. She dresses in a white lingerie when changing into a witch attire.<br /> <br /> She has a llama, but it is unclear if it serves as her familiar or as her pet.<br /> <br /> (Source: Metanorn)<br /><br />