



Hitoshi Sekimori is a Tootsuki Academy Alumnus who oversaw the Tootsuki Friendship and Rapport Training Camp for the 92nd Tootsuki Generation. He is the owner and head chef of the sushi restaurant, Ginza Hinora.<br /> <br /> Like most members of the Tootsuki Academy Alumni, Hitoshi is very serious upon the food quality and art as he has a philosophy that the culinary is a part of product of profit in the culinary economy. His discipline claimed that of anyone who is unwilling to take chances, there won&#039;t be glory for them. Hitoshi is also a calm and cool headed professional who uses his logic and discipline.<br /><br />





Hitoshi Sekimori is a Tootsuki Academy Alumnus who oversaw the Tootsuki Friendship and Rapport Training Camp for the 92nd Tootsuki Generation. He is the owner and head chef of the sushi restaurant, Ginza Hinora.<br /> <br /> Like most members of the Tootsuki Academy Alumni, Hitoshi is very serious upon the food quality and art as he has a philosophy that the culinary is a part of product of profit in the culinary economy. His discipline claimed that of anyone who is unwilling to take chances, there won&#039;t be glory for them. Hitoshi is also a calm and cool headed professional who uses his logic and discipline.<br /><br />