Hiroomi Nase


Birthday: July 21<br /> Age: 18<br /> Height: 178 cm<br /> Blood type: B<br /> Occupation: 3rd year High School Student<br /> Affiliation: Literary Club<br /> <br /> Hiroomi Nase is the eldest son of the famous &quot;spiritwolders&quot; Nase family and Mitsuki's elder brother. He is a third year high school student.<br /> <br /> It appears that something happened between Hiroomi and Akihito in the past, but now they are on such good terms that they can joke around with each other.<br /> <br /> He loves his sister a lot and tries to protect her from harm. Although the siblings may bicker with each other, they always reconcile. He has a huge sister complex.<br /> <br /> Due to his barrier powers, he is extremely sensitive to cold, and is almost always seen wearing a muffler or scarf.<br /> <br /> (Sources: Official website, Wikipedia)<br /><br />