筑波 秋博
筑波 秋博
Akihiro Tsukuba


Birthday: February 28th (Pisces)<br /> Height: 167 cm<br /> Weight: 60 kg<br /> Blood Type: AB<br /> School: Municipal Mizusawa High School - Year 1 Class 10 - Karuta Club member<br /> Karuta Society: Shiranami Society - B Class<br /> - - - - <br /> A boy who joins the Karuta Club at the start of Chihaya&#039;s second year. He is originally from Hokkaido and is a master at playing second verse karuta using two hands. He joins the club to learn how to play first verse karuta.(Source: Wikipedia)<br /> - - - -<br /> Tsukuba played the Hokkaido-style Karuta until his last year in middle school, therefore he came to the Karuta club very confident. Even though the rules are different than what he&rsquo;s used to, he has a drive to become strong and becomes a Karuta club member.<br /> <br /> Personality:<br /> An annoying-creepy-character that you just cant hate.<br /> Even though he sometimes says things that a kohai would never say, he understands and respects the kindness of his senpais.<br /> He is an older brother who is always showered with respect from his three little brothers, that he has a habit of acting like a hero in front of them. Their family motto is &ldquo;Always just bump into pretty people&rdquo;, and so he looks up to both Chihaya and Taichi. His specialty is to stick his tongue out like Peko-chan and take photos of himself on his phone.<br /> <br /> Favourite Song: Poem #13<br /> From Tsukuba&#039;s peak<br /> Falling waters have become<br /> Mina&#039;s still, full flow:<br /> So my love has grown to be<br /> Like the river&#039;s quiet deeps. <br /><br />