水谷 隆司
水谷 隆司
Takashi Mizutani


Takashi is a very loving and hard-working man. Even though his market and functionary named Samejima go through financial problems, he still manages to function as a normal father. Since he&#039;s not as serious as his wife or his children, he&#039;s more expressive and involved with his kids&#039; lives. He&#039;s also not as smart as Shizuku, but he is able to pick up on little signs in his daughter.<br /> <br /> Because Yoshino has called him useless and a fool so many times, he jokingly accepts that he is useless and foolish. It&#039;s never stated if he agrees to this because he knows his wife loves him deep down or because he&#039;s used to it by now.<br /> <br /> (Source: tonari-no-kaibutsukun.wikia.com)<br /><br />