ジェームズ・ハウレット ウルヴァリン
ジェームズ・ハウレット ウルヴァリン
ジェームズ・ハウレット/ウルヴァリン, James Howlett


Wolverine is a fierce and fiercely loyal mutant superhero. He is brawny, cranky, and has a temper. In fact, when Wolverine is fighting, he sometimes has berserker rages. But he also has a good heart. He is one of the most popular Marvel&rsquo;s superheroes, long before actor Hugh Jackman donned Wolverine&#039;s black leather outfit and lupine-like coif. Wolverine&#039;s popularity means that he pops up and saves the day in several different comic book titles each month in addition to his appearance in Saturday morning X-Men cartoons and in films.<br /> <br /> What makes Wolverine so appealing? He&#039;s the James Dean of superheroes: the safe &quot;bad boy&quot; with a short fuse and a tender heart&mdash;the loner who longs to belong. Moreover, Wolverine&#039;s fans&mdash;in his world and in our world&mdash;are won over by his tenacity, wry humor, and his commitment to a person or cause. We admire who he is.<br /> <br /> (Source: psychologytoday.com)<br /><br />