Hana Midorikawa


Birthday: March 3<br /> <br /> Hana is the secretary of the Underground Student Council, a vigilante school organisation. Hana is the fourth-best karate champion in the inter-high school championships. She is a subordinate and loyal friend of Mari Kurihara, the president of the USC.<br /> <br /> Hana is of average height and slim with a medium bust. She has straw-coloured hair in a bob, and brown eyes. She is athletic and somewhat muscular despite her weight, as a third-grade Dan and the school&#039;s fourth best karate champion. She wears the standard school uniform in tandem with leggings and an undershirt.<br /> <br /> Hana is a kind and shy individual, who enjoys brewing &amp; drinking dandelion tea and has a love for four-leaf clovers. She can be very violent when angry, and expresses her anger with proficient karate attacks. She is somewhat reserved in comparison to Meiko Shiraki (the Underground Student Council&#039;s Vice-President), wearing underlayers when on guard duty. She is actually very shy and reserved, as shown when she is caught in compromising conditions by Kiyoshi Fujino a number of times. Hana is shown to be quite impressionable out of her tough exterior as in compromising or sexual situations, she faints and becomes mortified.<br /> <br />