Mei Sunohara


Birthday: June 11, 1989<br /> Height: 152 cm<br /> Weight: 42 kg<br /> Blood type: A<br /> <br /> Mei is Youhei&#039;s younger sister who loves Youhei as a brother and lives in the countryside. Mei is a smart girl and likes to see new things. She is a fan of Yusuke Yoshino, an older male graduate from Tomoya&#039;s school, who is a member of a band. Worried about her brother&#039;s situation, she calls Youhei, but instead of her brother, Tomoya disguised as Youhei tells her to come.<br /> <br /> Mei&#039;s personality is a direct opposite of that of her brother, Youhei. She can be very nosy about things, like trying to further Tomoya&#039;s relationship with Nagisa by becoming their cupid angel or learning Youhei&#039;s current situation.<br /> <br />