Para, known in the manga and Japanese version as Mei (迷), is the older of the two Paradox Brothers. He and his brother duel as a tag team, and appear to duel the protagonists in both Yu-Gi-Oh! and Yu-Gi-Oh! GX. Para has the kanji for half of the word "Labyrinth" on his head, with his brother's head having the other half.<br /> <br /> He and his brother were hired by Maximillion Pegasus to work as Eliminators in his Duelist Kingdom tournament. The two duel as a team, with their "Labyrinth Wall" card enabling them to change the playing field to resemble a complicated underground labyrinth, making gameplay more akin to a board game than a card game. The two guard an underground area of the island.<br /> <br /> (Source: Yu-Gi-Oh! Wikia)<br /><br />