



Age: 16<br /> Birthdate: August 3<br /> Blood type: O<br /> Height: 157 cm<br /> BWH: 78-58-82<br /> Favorite food: strawberries<br /> Least favorite food: bell peppers<br /> <br /> Personality:<br /> Honoka is an optimist who is never afraid to take risks. She is always in a good mood and likes to look at the bright side of things. She doesn&#039;t enjoy eating red bean paste despite working at her family&#039;s shop that sells Japanese sweets. She is determined and once her mind is set on something, nothing can stop her. This is believed to be the driving force behind &mu;&#039;s formation and success.<br /> <br /> As hobbies, she enjoys swimming and sticker collecting. Honoka also has a knack for finding loose change on the ground.<br /> <br />