野宫匠, Takumi Nomiya


He, along with Yamazaki and Miwako, is first introduced on episode 14 of season 1. He is the type of guy who could &quot;throw a cellphone in the sea full of women&#039;s numbers, without caring at all&quot; as said by Mayama.<br /> <br /> Nomiya is Mayama&#039;s former boss at Fujiwara Design. He also likes Yamada, and tries to visit her whenever he can, although he is aware of Yamada&#039;s feelings for Mayama. Mayama tries to act as the middleman as much as he can in order to protect Yamada, as he considers Nomiya a playboy. However, later in the series, Nomiya comes to realize that he himself has truly fallen in love with Yamada. <br /><br />