吉備津 百香
吉備津 百香
Momoka Kibitsu


Birthday: July 3<br /> Gender: Female<br /> Blood Type: O<br /> Height: 160 cm<br /> Weight: 43 kg<br /> Hair: Tangerine blond<br /> School: Nikkō High School<br /> Occupation: Actress,Singer<br /> <br /> She's the leader of the yankee girls, and claims herself as the &quot;Onihime&quot;.<br /> <br /> She told her three followers to bring Himeko to the park near a train station to beat her up. She later then found out that the legendary &quot;Onihime&quot; was Himeko herself. After finding the truth, she became Himeko's follower and would only listen to her.<br /> <br /> It is confirmed later that she has feelings for Switch because he always supports her in the back by going to every concert and stage performed since her debut. <br /> <br /> Later on, she becomes a famous voice actress.<br /><br />