Yuki Yoshida


<b>Height</b>: 168 cm<br /> <b>Weight</b>:55 kg<br /> <b>Sizes</b>: 99 - 60 - 86<br /> <br /> A vampire ninja from a different faction from Seraphim&#039;s who is also a student in Ayumu&#039;s high school. Maelstrom is able to use tonkotsu ramen soup to instantly defeat Megalos, though the explanation behind it is too advanced for even her to understand, and has a machine which sprays said soup over the city whenever a horde of Megalos attack. As a result of accidentally kissing Ayumu when he was pushed by Haruna, they are technically declared married by her faction&#039;s customs, and she constantly acts like a wife while at school, where she goes under the alias Yuki Yoshida. Because of how this name is written, she is nicknamed &quot;Tomonori&quot; by Orito.<br /> <br />