

A mysterious proxy who invades Vincent&#039;s dreams. Her motives are unclear. It is, however, possible that it may be a form of Monad Proxy (subconsciously or consciously). Kazkis Proxy&#039;s conversation to Vincent in which he revealed that he and Monad were lovers as well as Ergo Proxy&#039;s depression and grief at seeing Monad Proxy in the tank seem to enforce Kazkis&#039; words. Also, what she said to Vincent near the end episode of 20, telling him that she hated men that smelled of other women and vise-versa, along with the irritated tone of voice reveal a form of jealousy. If the above is correct, however, it is hard explain exactly how Monad can access Vincent&#039;s conscience and subconscience. It is possible that some Proxies can affect other&#039;s subconscience much like Will B. Good did to Pino. Or what Senex seemed to have done to the woman in the prison cell (an adoring, worship-like trance, directed directly as Senex, seen in how she uses her actual name and what the Proxy represents).<br /><br />