

Kami-sama is a fictional character in the manga/anime Saiyuki, who is a loyal servant to Dr. Jianyi/Ukoku Sanzo. Apart from the name &quot;Kami-sama&quot; given to him by his master, he is sometimes known as Nameless Sanzo.<br /> <br /> During a final showdown with Genjyo Sanzo and Sanzo-Ikkou in Saiyuki Reload, Kami-sama was flabberglasted when Genjyo Sanzo enquire him on his official Sanzo name given to him when he become a Sanzo; he says &quot;You may have succeeded the power, the robe and the city, but you never succeeded the title of Sanzo&quot;. Kami-sama&#039;s mind become lost and agitated. Because of this reason, he is known as Nameless Sanzo.<br /> <br /> Nevertheless, the Nameless Sanzo is one of the toughest enemies of Genjyo Sanzo and Sanzo-Ikkou (Genjyo Sanzo&#039;s party) have faced in this second series of Saiyuki.<br /> <br />