Fei Yan Liu


W&egrave;i Ru&igrave;-Yīng&#039;s second student. Nicknamed the Death Bird Demon (死鳥鬼, Sǐ Niǎo Guǐ), he befriended Erika and risked his life to protect her. He challenged Charles de Guise to a duel because he thought de Guise cannot bear the responsibility of protecting Erika and ended up killing de Guise. This led to a fight with Kenshiro, and although he was defeated, Erika&#039;s influence on him earned him Kenshiro&#039;s forgiveness. He was mortally wounded at the hands of Yasaka. Fēi-Y&agrave;n, knowing that he was certain to die from his injuries and unwilling to add to Erika&#039;s grief (by making her witness his death), asked Kenshiro to send him to sea in a boat. He recalled all the good things Erika did for him before drawing his last breath. <br /><br />