恵比寿花夫, Hanao Ebisu


Birthday: December 12<br /> Height: 130 cm<br /> Likes: Ramen, chinese buns (particularly with meat filling), taiyaki sweet waffle, takoyaki octopus balls, okonomiyaki japanese pancake.<br /> Dislikes: Angry Goryo, cramped spaces, high places<br /> Talents: Assisting in Goryo&#039;s personal affairs (so he thinks, though so does everyone else in the Goryo Group) this includes: preparing clothes and dressing, scheduling, driving, arranging meals. Early riser (doesn&#039;t need an alarm clock)<br /> <br /> Judge of magic law. Goryo&#039;s assistant. An experienced and skilled practitioner and assistant, but pales in comparison against other judges when on his own.<br /> <br /> While Goryo treats Ebisu horribly, with less respect than one would warrant even an animal, Ebisu doesn&#039;t seem to mind terribly. He has a deep-seated need to feel valued and needed, and as Goryo&#039;s assistant can do his best to garner Goryo&#039;s appreciation. Even after Goryo fires him for failing to execute a difficult maneuver, Ebisu knows it was for the good of the group--he&#039;ll do whatever it takes to please his master, even if it means removing himself from the picture.<br /> <br /> To anyone other than Goryo, however, Ebisu is callous, lewd, and crass. He&#039;s incredibly condescending and seems to go out of his way to show off his status and offend people. He&#039;s not averse to getting his hands dirty to accomplish a job, even planning to drain an innocent&#039;s tempering to further his goals.<br /><br />