Akari Dezart


<b>Birthday:</b> December 23<br /> <b>Age:</b> 33<br /> <b>Height:</b> 185cm (6&#039;1&quot;)<br /> <b>Blood Type:</b> O<br /> <b>Llikes:</b> Research, Exploring undeveloped areas, Board games<br /> <b>Dislikes:</b> People who try to appeal to others using clever words, when they think there is merit in doing so; Hirato, too, but for completely different reasons.<br /> <b>Food he Likes:</b> Black tea, Brown sugar from corals<br /> <b>Food he Dislikes:</b> Smoked tarunero (fish)<br /> <b>Hair Color:</b> Pink<br /> <b>Eye Color:</b> Peach<br /> <br /> A dominating person. There are times when he is insensitive, saying things like &quot;What&#039;s wrong with telling the truth? If you don&#039;t like it, then improve things!&quot;. He repeatedly makes enemies among the nurses. He hasn&#039;t got any evil intentions. Among the nurses there is also a faction which wants to aid him. When the doctor who was his former tutor was still on active duty, he studied hard under his guidance and demonstrated his intelligence.<br /> Akari&#039;s name means &quot;light, candlepower.&quot;<br /> <br /> (Source: Extra pages from chapter 18)<br /><br />