Shinra Kishitani


<b>Height:</b> 178 cm<br /> <b>Weight:</b> 60 kg<br /> <b>Blood Type:</b> AB<br /> <b>Birthday:</b> April 2nd<br /> <b>Age:</b> 24<br /> <b>Hobbies:</b> Dissecting, games, Celty<br /> <b>Things he likes:</b> Everything about Celty, proverbs/idioms<br /> <b>Things he dislikes:</b> Abstinence<br /> <b>Food he likes</b>: Three-five-eight marinaded sandfish, Celty&#039;s cooking<br /> <b>Food he dislikes:</b> Fat in meat<br /> <b>Favorite Proverb:</b> &quot;Neither doctors nor the Kusatsu Hot Springs can cure the illness called love.&quot; and every positive proverb about love.<br /> <br /> <br /> A young underground doctor who lives with Celty and is also her lover. <br /> He mostly remains indoors and wears his white doctor&#039;s coat even when he is not at work.<br /> <br /> He went to the same primary school as Shizuo and Izaya and finds them interesting, enjoying their fights ... up to a point. <br /> <br /> His father was also a doctor, and as a child Shinra participated in surgery alongside him, the most notable being an autopsy on Celty when they first met. <br /> As a doctor he is rather interested in what he considers to be interesting phenomena, such as the unlimited strength Shizuo shows in times of anger, and Celty&#039;s healing, headlessness and bodily functions. <br /> <br /> Shinra seems to have the &quot;capacity&quot; to tell what Celty is feeling, much to her surprise since she doesn&#039;t have a head to show her emotions.<br /><br />