Age: 15<br /> Birthdate: December 27, 1995<br /> Hair: navy blue<br /> Eyes: blue<br /> Height: 173 cm (5' 8") <br /> Weight: 63 kg (138 lb) <br /> Blood type: A<br /> Pastimes and talents: cooking, sleeping, eating, spacing out<br /> Average hours of sleep per night: 12<br /> Favorite foods: sukiyaki (with any kind of ingredients)<br /> Favorite manga genres: battle/action, comedy, emotional drama<br /> Favorite type of girl: cute, shy girls<br /> Quote: <i>"Yukio!! I swear to god I'll surpass you!!, just you watch!"</i> <i>"I'll become an exorcist and kick Satan's ass!"</i><br /> <br /> The fifteen-year-old protagonist of the story, Rin is the son of Satan born from a human woman and is the inheritor of Satan's powers. <br /> <br />