Tonbo Tobitake


Age: 27 (part 1), 31 (part 2)<br /> Birthday: April 4<br /> Height: 167 cm<br /> Weight: 55 kg<br /> Blood type: A<br /> Ninja ID: 010997<br /> <br /> Tonbo Tobitake is a Konohagakure Chūnin. Most of his face is wrapped in bandages and he usually has a cigarette in his mouth.<br /> <br /> He works under Inoichi Yamanaka in the intelligence core. He was taught by Mawashi Dokuraku, <br /> <br /> Tonbo, at first glance gives off a very collected and cool personality. He is described as being very confident in his abilities although not haughty enough to not acknowledge someone else&#039;s talent. He is also somewhat rash and quick-tempered by nature as witnessed when he roughed up Komaza to get his point across.<br /> <br /> &quot;Tonbo&quot; (蜻蛉) is Japanese for &quot;dragonfly&quot;. Dragonflies are famous for their 360&deg; vision, which is ironic considering that Tonbo&#039;s eyes and upper face are covered with bandages. While &quot;Tobitake&quot; means &quot;lying [through] the bamboo&quot;. A taketonbo (竹とんぼ) is a small bamboo toy that flies when spun between the palms of your hands. So Tonbo&#039;s full name could also mean &quot;flying taketonbo&quot;.<br /> <br /> His favourite food is yakitori and grilled onigiri while his least favourite food is cr&egrave;me fra&icirc;che.<br /><br />