Mary Kenwood


Birthday: November 2<br /> <br /> Wedy, real name Mary Kenwood, is a professional burglar in the employ of L. She installs bugs in the Yotsuba Group&#039;s meeting room to secretly observe the group&#039;s weekly meetings. She does the same for Higuchi&#039;s car, allowing the team to watch his desperate attempts to kill Matsuda. Since she is a professional criminal, she is known solely in the underworld.<br /> <br /> Wedy uses her initial in computer communication; to avoid confusion with Watari (&quot;W&quot;), she deliberately uses the lowercase form, &quot;w&quot;.<br /> <br /> She (like Aiber) is referenced to, but does not appear in, Death Note: Another Note.<br /> <br /> Ohba said that he created Aiber and Wedy so he could use characters with &quot;special abilities&quot; to advance the storyline. He said that he wanted to use Wedy more than Aiber. As an example he explained a scenario involving Light controlling Wedy, making her place cameras in the headquarters so Misa could see L&#039;s face &quot;... or something.&quot;<br /> <br /> According to Obata, he drew Wedy as a female model as he did not know what kind of character she would be. Obata added that Wedy has the &quot;stereotypical female spy look.&quot; Obata believes that if he drew Aiber and Wedy to look &quot;a little bit more original&quot;, Ohba could have included the characters in a larger role in Death Note.<br /> <br />