

Marilyn is a character of the day who appeared in <i>Battling a Cute Drama!</i>.<br /> <br /> After being bullied by her friends for believing the cutest Pok&eacute;mon ever was Shellder, Marilyn grew increasingly concerned about trying to meet others&#039; expectations of cuteness. Marilyn became obsessed with the concept of cuteness as a result, even catching specific Pok&eacute;mon to achieve the aesthetic. She developed her own cuteness criteria: a Pok&eacute;mon is cute if its height is no more than 2 feet, if it has not evolved, and also if it looks &quot;absolutely lovely&quot;. Pok&eacute;mon that were not singled out as cute because of the latter rule included Mime Jr., Piplup, and Meowth.<br /> <br /> She rushed up to Ash and his friends when Dawn called out her Buneary. She subsequently challenged Dawn to a battle. During the battle, she ordered her Cherubi not to attack, in order to stall and keep the battle going on so she could witness a &quot;valiant battle&quot;. Her preference for dramatic performance during the match proved irritating. Brock confronted Marilyn over her superficial attitude towards Pok&eacute;mon, and decided to teach her about the inner strength and beauty of Pok&eacute;mon with a three-on-three battle.<br /> <br /> Marilyn experienced a change of heart after witnessing Brock&#039;s Sudowoodo and Croagunk&#039;s determination, and therefore valiant manner, in battle. She quickly dropped her ditzy persona and opted to call out her Shellder, a Pok&eacute;mon that she had been bullied for, onto the field. The match was interrupted by Team Rocket trying to steal her Pok&eacute;mon, though she had her Shellder deal with them.Marilyn (Japanese: マリリン Marilyn) is a character of the day who appeared in Battling a Cute Drama!.<br /> <br /> After being bullied by her friends for believing the cutest Pok&eacute;mon ever was Shellder, Marilyn grew increasingly concerned about trying to meet others&#039; expectations of cuteness. Marilyn became obsessed with the concept of cuteness as a result, even catching specific Pok&eacute;mon to achieve the aesthetic. She developed her own cuteness criteria: a Pok&eacute;mon is cute if its height is no more than 2 feet, if it has not evolved, and also if it looks &quot;absolutely lovely&quot;. Pok&eacute;mon that were not singled out as cute because of the latter rule included Mime Jr., Piplup, and Meowth.<br /> <br /> She rushed up to Ash and his friends when Dawn called out her Buneary. She subsequently challenged Dawn to a battle. During the battle, she ordered her Cherubi not to attack, in order to stall and keep the battle going on so she could witness a &quot;valiant battle&quot;. Her preference for dramatic performance during the match proved irritating. Brock confronted Marilyn over her superficial attitude towards Pok&eacute;mon, and decided to teach her about the inner strength and beauty of Pok&eacute;mon with a three-on-three battle.<br /> <br /> Marilyn experienced a change of heart after witnessing Brock&#039;s Sudowoodo and Croagunk&#039;s determination, and therefore valiant manner, in battle. She quickly dropped her ditzy persona and opted to call out her Shellder, a Pok&eacute;mon that she had been bullied for, onto the field. The match was interrupted by Team Rocket trying to steal her Pok&eacute;mon, though she had her Shellder deal with them.<br /><br />